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【好文翻譯】增強雲安全:Kubernetes 安全的四個關鍵實踐

Enhancing Cloud Security: Four Vital Practices for Kubernetes Security#

Original Article:

Original Author: Upkar Lidder, Senior Product Manager at Tenable. He has over 10 years of experience in IT development, including roles in team management, functional leadership, and technical leadership. He brings extensive experience in full-stack technology. Upkar is currently focused on security and DevSecOps in the shift left, container, and cloud-native environments.

Translator: BlueDog

In today's rapidly evolving cloud environment, ensuring strong security measures for Kubernetes environments has become crucial for organizations. While the advantages of cloud-native infrastructure are undeniable, security teams often struggle with addressing the security challenges at the core of Kubernetes management. They know that a method is needed to embed security into standard developer workflows and cluster deployments, but overall, creating a continuous and secure GitOps is challenging.

In this blog post, we will delve into four key best practices that can be implemented immediately to enhance the security of Kubernetes deployments and protect your cloud-native infrastructure.

Managing Kubernetes Misconfigurations with Reliable Policies#

Establishing and enforcing reliable policies is the first step in enhancing Kubernetes security. Consistently applying policies throughout the development lifecycle helps reduce misconfigurations and mitigate security risks. For example, policies can prohibit running containers with root privileges or restrict public access to the Kubernetes API server. Leveraging policy frameworks like Open Policy Agent (OPA) and industry benchmarks like the Center for Internet Security (CIS) can help strengthen the Kubernetes environment and prevent misconfigurations from impacting production. Regularly reviewing and updating policies to adapt to evolving security requirements is essential.

Implementing Security Measures in the Development Process#

Kubernetes security should start early in the development process. If your team adopts Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices for system configuration and deployment, this approach can be extended to include policy as code. This ensures consistent application of security policies throughout the software development lifecycle. Developers can leverage security scanning tools to identify vulnerabilities in their code during local testing, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, container image registries, and Kubernetes environments. Integrating security seamlessly into the development process with developer-friendly tools like open-source IaC static code scanning tools helps prevent insecure code from entering the environment.

Understanding and Remedying Vulnerabilities in Container Images#

Container image vulnerabilities pose significant challenges to Kubernetes security. It is crucial to understand the content and build process of container images in your environment. Developers often overlook image scanning due to concerns about slowing down the development process. However, neglecting to identify outdated operating system (OS) images, misconfigured settings, embedded credentials and secrets, unverified packages, unnecessary services, and exposed ports introduces security risks and ultimately slows down the entire software delivery process. Implement comprehensive scanning processes to detect and remediate vulnerabilities in container images. Also, pay attention to the security of registries and host infrastructure.

Comprehensive Risk Management#

To effectively manage Kubernetes security, you must take a holistic view of your infrastructure. Not all policies apply to every situation, so how do you apply exclusion rules? Not every vulnerability is critical, so how do you determine the priority for remediation and automate the process? These questions can guide you to become more proactive rather than reactive. Ultimately, in Kubernetes and cloud-native environments, visibility is crucial for managing security. You must be aware when configurations deviate from the security baseline and identify failed policies and misconfigurations. Only then can you have a complete understanding of the attack surface.
