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Reflections on "Introduction to the Book of Changes" and Future Learning Plan


The "I Ching," as a classic of Chinese culture, integrates philosophy, cosmology, and divination, embodying the wisdom and contemplation of ancient people. To gain a deeper understanding of this classic, I chose the accessible "Introduction to the I Ching" [Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House - Edited by Professor Zhang Shanwen] as a starting point. This book helps readers understand the core ideas of the "I Ching" more clearly by gradually analyzing the hexagrams and their interpretations. The "I Ching" is not only a tool for divination but also contains profound philosophical wisdom, exploring the relationship between the operation of the universe and human behavior. Through this book, I have taken my first steps into the world of the "I Ching" and its philosophical system, laying a foundation for future exploration.


Approaching the Wisdom of the "I Ching"#

Philosophical Ideas: The Operation of the Universe and Laws of Change#

Hexagrams and Natural Laws

The core of the "I Ching" lies in its hexagrams, with sixty-four hexagrams symbolizing the myriad changes in the natural world through the interaction of yin and yang. Each hexagram is not just a symbol but a concrete expression of the natural changes in the universe. The Qian and Kun hexagrams symbolize heaven and earth, with the Qian hexagram representing proactive progress and the Kun hexagram symbolizing inclusiveness and adaptability, revealing the fundamental laws of the universe's operation.

The Qian and Kun hexagrams not only symbolize natural forces but also provide a framework for understanding human behavior. The Qian hexagram encourages moving forward courageously, while the Kun hexagram reminds us to adapt to circumstances and maintain composure. The combination of the two reflects the principle of "As heaven moves vigorously, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement; as the earth is receptive, a gentleman should carry with thick virtue," making the "I Ching" transcend mere divination and become a guide for wisdom in life.

Yin-Yang Theory and Dynamic Balance

The yin-yang theory is one of the core ideas of the "I Ching," where yin and yang are not opposites but interdependent and transformative forces. The dynamic balance of yin and yang drives the changes of all things in the universe, with the Qian and Kun hexagrams as its foundation, while other hexagrams represent the variations of yin and yang combinations.

The balance of yin and yang not only explains natural phenomena but also provides a theoretical basis for human behavior. Hard and soft, movement and stillness, initiative and compliance are all manifestations of the yin-yang interaction. Through the "I Ching," the yin-yang theory helps us find balance in complex situations.

Wisdom of Timing and Adapting to Nature

The "I Ching" emphasizes "timing," believing that human actions and decisions should align with natural changes to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. The Qian hexagram symbolizes spring and summer, while the Kun hexagram represents autumn and winter. By observing the laws of nature, one can adjust the rhythm of life to maintain harmony with nature.

In both business and personal life, seizing the right moment is particularly important. The wisdom of "timing" in the "I Ching" is not only a strategy but also a mindset adjustment, helping maintain balance and harmony amidst change.

The Art of Divination: A Tool for Predicting the Future#

Hexagram Changes and Future Trend Predictions

The core of divination lies in the changes of hexagrams. Each hexagram represents a specific cosmic state, reflecting the current state of affairs and future trends. By analyzing hexagram combinations, one can infer possible future developments, assisting decision-makers in navigating complex situations.

Divination is not a mechanical prediction of fate but provides a framework for future trends through the changes of hexagrams. It is not merely about predicting the future but serves as a tool to help people make rational decisions.

Wisdom of Change and Adaptation

The "I Ching" posits that change is the norm of the universe. Divination not only helps foresee changes but also teaches how to find one's place amidst change; it is a wisdom training for dealing with uncertainty. Through divination, one can anticipate trends and adjust actions accordingly, maintaining clarity and decisiveness in turbulent environments.

Connection Between Divination and Personal Decision-Making

Divination offers insights into future trends, but its deeper significance lies in aiding decision-making. It is not just an external prediction but an internal reflection process, providing multidimensional thinking support for decision-makers, enhancing judgment in rapidly changing situations.

Integration of Taoist Culture and "I Ching" Philosophy#

Natural View in Taoist Philosophy#

Taoism advocates "following the natural way," asserting that all things should align with the laws of nature. The "I Ching" reveals natural laws through hexagram changes, with the Qian and Kun hexagrams symbolizing heaven and earth, embodying the fundamental principle of the unity of opposites in yin and yang. Taoism has absorbed this philosophical thought and applied it in cultivation, helping practitioners achieve harmony with nature.

Taoist cultivation emphasizes aligning with the timing and advantages of nature, which aligns closely with the philosophy of the "I Ching." The Qian hexagram represents masculine strength, while the Kun hexagram symbolizes gentleness and inclusiveness; their combination is the best interpretation of the idea of "following the natural way."

Practice of Taoist Cultivation and "I Ching" Philosophy#

Taoist cultivation focuses on the balance of yin and yang. Through hexagram interpretation, practitioners adjust their internal and external states to achieve harmony of body and mind. Taoism provides guidance in cultivation through the hexagrams of the "I Ching," allowing practitioners to experience the laws of the universe through introspection.

Future Learning Plan - Systematic Exploration#

To systematically understand and master the "I Ching" and its related divination, fate calculation, and Taoist philosophy, I have developed a step-by-step learning plan covering the theoretical foundations of the "I Ching," divination, fate calculation, and classic works on Taoist cultivation.

I. Foundation Stage (6 months)#

Goal: Understand the original text and basic meanings of the "I Ching," familiarize with the sixty-four hexagrams and three hundred eighty-four lines, and establish a foundation in I Ching studies.

  1. "Translation and Commentary on the I Ching" (Zhang Shanwen) - Systematically understand the text of the "I Ching" to help build a foundation.
  2. "Complete Explanation of the I Ching" (Jin Jingfang, Lü Shaogang) - Gain a comprehensive understanding of the theory of the "I Ching."
  3. "Yi Mao" and "Yi Yin" - Help establish foundational concepts in I Ching studies and lay a solid theoretical groundwork.

Learning Focus#

  • Repeatedly read these foundational books, familiarize with the meanings behind hexagrams, line symbols, and texts until key hexagram interpretations can be memorized.
  • Take notes and recite repeatedly until thoroughly internalized.

II. Foundation Expansion Stage (12 months)#

Goal: Based on foundational understanding, further expand knowledge of I Ching studies through extensive reading of ancient and modern works to enrich understanding of "I Ching" theory.

  1. "Collected Commentaries on the I Ching" (Lai Zhide, Wang Bi) - Comprehensive annotations to expand understanding of the "I Ching."
  2. "Shangshi Learning of the I Ching" (Shang Binghe) - Expand understanding of the symbolism and mathematics of the hexagrams.
  3. "Ancient Chinese Fortune-Telling Techniques" - Understand the development and application of ancient fortune-telling techniques to enrich foundational knowledge of fate calculation.
  4. "Three Essentials of Yang House" - A classic in feng shui, helping to understand the layout of Yang house (home) feng shui in conjunction with hexagram principles.

Learning Focus#

  • Broaden knowledge, attempting to understand the "I Ching" from different angles and schools of thought.
  • Understand the philosophy within the "I Ching" and the deeper meanings behind its symbols and numbers.

III. Advanced Stage (18 months)#

Goal: Delve into the study of the "I Ching" along the lines of meaning, symbols, and divination techniques, mastering higher-level interpretation methods.

Meaning Direction#

  1. "Correct Meaning of the I Ching" (Kong Yingda) - Continue to deepen understanding of the meanings of the "I Ching."
  2. "Brief Examples of the I Ching" (Wang Bi) - Understand the essence of the meaning school.

Symbolism Direction#

  1. "Ancient Divination Techniques of the I Ching" (Shang Binghe) - Further explore the system of symbols and numbers.
  2. "Shangshi Learning of the I Ching" (Shang Binghe) - Expand understanding of the symbolism and mathematics of the hexagrams.

Divination Direction#

  1. "Additions and Subtractions in Divination" (Old Man Yehe) - Classic divination techniques suitable for practical learning.
  2. "Plum Blossom Divination" (Shao Yong) - A well-known divination technique with wide applications.
  3. "Golden Strategy" (Volumes 1 and 2, Takashima Kayoemon) - In-depth exploration of practical techniques in divination.
  4. "Supplement to Takashima's Divination" - A supplementary version of Takashima's divination, helping to further master the essence of divination techniques.
  5. "Complete Book of Divination (Authentic Divination)" (Wang Hongxu) - A classic in divination, providing comprehensive learning of divination methods.

Fate Calculation Direction#

  1. "Yuanhai Ziping," "Three Fate Compendium," "Dripping Sky Essence Explained" - Classic works in fate calculation, discussing foundational knowledge and analysis methods.
  2. "Qiong Tong Bao Jian," "Ziping Zhen Quan" - Detailed exploration of the relationships between the five elements, heavenly stems, earthly branches, and fate calculation, enhancing fate prediction abilities.
  3. "Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman's Green Bag Scripture" - A classic in fate calculation and prediction, aiding in a deeper understanding of fate learning.
  4. "Shenfeng Tongkao of Authentic Fate Calculation," "Yuan's Fate Genealogy" - Further exploration of the practical applications of fate calculation and the profound impact of family fate studies.

Learning Focus#

  • Conduct in-depth learning based on different directions, mastering the essentials of meaning, symbols, divination, and fate calculation.
  • Engage in practical exercises, applying real-life cases to reasoning and application.

IV. Real-World Verification Stage (Eternal Time)#

Goal: Through an in-depth understanding of "I Ching" knowledge, apply it to real life, observe and infer changes in worldly affairs, and enhance personal wisdom in I Ching studies.

  1. "Tao Te Ching" - Combine Taoist thought to enhance inner cultivation and understand the natural way.
  2. "Morning and Evening Lessons of the Zhengyi Sect" - Taoist cultivation, fostering refinement and spirit.
  3. "The Classic of Purity by the Supreme Old Lord" - A Taoist classic to help comprehend the core ideas of cultivation.
  4. "The Supreme Old Lord's Guidance on Redemption and Self-Purification" - Philosophical guidance on Taoist redemption and self-purification.
  5. "The Supreme Old Lord's Teachings on Resolving Grievances and Removing Sins" - Achieve harmony of body and mind through the combination of cultivation practice and philosophical reflection.
  6. "The True Scripture of the Big Dipper" - Explore the relationship between celestial phenomena and cultivation, integrating I Ching understanding.

Learning Focus#

  • Enhance personal cultivation and intellectual elevation through the study of Taoist classics in conjunction with "I Ching" philosophy.
  • Apply the wisdom of the "I Ching" in real life, deeply experiencing the laws of changes in worldly affairs.


The "I Ching" is not only a classic of divination but also a treasure trove encompassing philosophy, natural laws, and life wisdom. Through systematic learning, combining theory and practice, one can truly understand the profound philosophy behind the "I Ching" and apply its wisdom to navigate the changes and challenges in life.

Given my current level of understanding and scope of thought, the proposed plan and ideas inevitably have limitations and require further refinement and deepening. Here, I sincerely hope that seniors and peers can generously offer guidance and provide valuable opinions and suggestions. Thank you very much!

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