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No need for remote networking with ZeroTier.

In the previous article, we talked about using frp for intranet penetration, but its limitation is that you need a public server. And there are certain requirements for the bandwidth of the public server. Therefore, here we recommend a remote networking tool to build your own virtual network, where after successful authorization, both the accessing end and the accessed end are in the same network segment and can access each other like in a local area network.

The difference between remote networking and intranet penetration is that the intranet penetration service will assign you a domain name or public IP, which can be accessed by anyone.

Remote networking requires both the accessing end and the accessed end to install software that supports remote networking, such as "Zerotier", to form a large local area network.

Register an Account#

First, let's register an account on the official website.


You can also use Google or Github to authorize login.

After logging in, you will be prompted to create a network.


Create a Network#

Click on "Create Network" and it will be created automatically. We just need to record the corresponding ID.


Download the Client#

Similar to frp, we need to install the client on the device for penetration. Download and install according to your computer's operating system.


  1. Installation on Linux
curl -s | sudo bash


Alternatively, you can compile it using the source code from GitHub.

git clone

Join the zerotier LAN in Linux environment.

Execute the following command to join the network.

zerotier-cli join <NETWORK ID>

<NETWORK ID> is the network ID obtained after creating the network.

You may encounter the following error:

zerotier-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
image-20230719230758698 You just need to add the following content to source.list:

deb bullseye main

Then update and it should work.

Other commands in Linux

# Join
zerotier-cli join <NETWORK ID>
# Leave
zerotier-cli leave <NETWORK ID>
# View the list of networks the computer is connected to
zerotier-cli listnetworks
# View connected peers (if you need to connect to other LAN devices, it is recommended to execute this command to view the IP)
zerotier-cli listpeers
# Start
sudo systemctl start zerotier-one.service
# Stop
sudo systemctl stop zerotier-one.service
# Enable autostart
systemctl enable zerotier-one.service
# Disable autostart
systemctl disable zerotier-one.service
  1. Installation and Deployment on Windows

First, download and install the Windows client.

Click on the client "Join New Network".


Enter your own .

After successful connection, we can use the "ipconfig" command in Windows to see the IP address obtained through zerotier networking.



After successful network connection, the devices can directly access each other.


Of course, each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of zerotier is that it can establish a network between two remote devices without a public IP, and it is very convenient. The disadvantage is that other users cannot access your resources unless they also join your LAN.

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