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Reflections after reading "Taibai Jinxing is a bit annoying"

This article was recorded on August 21, 2024, at 10:01 PM.

The tag associated with this article is Classics of National Studies, which aims to start a deep study of the classics of national studies centered around the "I Ching."

Yesterday marked the release of "Black Myth: Wukong," and today by coincidence, I picked up a book I bought a long time ago—"The Slightly Annoyed Taibai Jinxing." From the moment I opened the first page on the subway at 8 AM, I was deeply captivated by the author's imaginative take on the story of "Journey to the West," using it as a backdrop to satirize contemporary issues.

This book solidly presents a "Record of the Officialdom." It interprets the journey of Xuanzang to obtain scriptures from the perspective of a political event, metaphorically reflecting the ways of being an official and a person in modern society through the struggles of various parties.

The narrative is told from the perspective of Taibai Jinxing—Li Changgeng, or from the perspective of a project manager, revealing a political propaganda show that promotes "saving the suffering." It revolves around expense reimbursements, work reports, personnel arrangements, social interactions, endless trivial matters, and the political struggles of senior leaders, unraveling the truth behind the chaos in Heaven. The causal entanglements lead to the ultimate transcendence of causality and the achievement of the Golden Immortal, and I finished reading just as it struck 10 PM. An interesting coincidence, the core of the story resonates with "Black Myth: Wukong." Interested friends can go purchase and read it.

The following content is limited by my own understanding; if there are any inaccuracies, I welcome criticism and correction from the experts.

About the Project#


The scripture-collecting project was personally initiated by the Buddha Tathagata, aimed at allowing his second disciple, Jin Chanzi, to attain Buddhahood. The naive Weaving Girl asked, isn't it better to become a Buddha directly? Why must one travel to the Tang Dynasty first?

Li Changgeng understood the ways of officialdom—generals must rise from the ranks, and prime ministers must emerge from local governments; without going through this process, it’s hard to win over the masses.

Li Changgeng keenly noticed that although it was a project initiated by the Tathagata, the document was issued not from Lingshan but from Jiu Feng—this project was unusual.

To determine who initiated a new project and whether it is taken seriously, one must look not only at the initiator but also at the details.

Project Personnel Configuration#

The scripture-collecting project is a major undertaking, initiated by the Tathagata, who sent a formal letter to the Jade Emperor requesting assistance, thus becoming a collaborative project between the West and the Heavenly Court.

Two protectors were appointed: Guanyin and Li Changgeng. To put it plainly, they were the project managers responsible for planning, execution, and resource coordination.

Whether the demons were sourced locally or borrowed, whether the venue was rented or constructed, whether to add special effects to the tribulation, and if so, to make reservations—all these details had to be arranged by Guanyin and Li Changgeng.

The four disciples and the white horse were the project executors, more like actors.

The project supervision involved a multitude of deities, including the four value officers, the five directions revealing the truth, the six Ding and six Jia, and eighteen protective deities, totaling thirty-nine divine beings.

Two were working, four were performing, and a crowd was watching the spectacle.

There are always more supervisors than workers; senior leaders never communicate directly and can only rely on messengers—this is the norm in workplace projects.


The project initiation document did not name anyone specifically, only calling for the virtuous from the East to go to the West to collect scriptures. However, with a distance of one hundred thousand miles, how could an ordinary mortal make the journey? Just this one condition eliminated ninety-nine percent of the virtuous, leaving only Xuanzang as the most qualified candidate.

His journey to the West would add a significant achievement to his resume, making it justifiable for him to become a Buddha in the future.

Recruitment criteria are sometimes tailored for a specific individual; regardless of how good the project is, it may not necessarily be your turn.

Project Arrangement#

Project arrangements must fully consider the interests and situations of all parties. For example, since Xuanzang was not good at fighting and violence was undignified, Guanyin had to specifically remind him to find a Sun Wukong to fill the gap.

Additionally, project work should not involve any new tricks; stability is paramount. Don’t always think about innovation; the focus should be on completing tasks steadily.

About Leadership#

The Mystique of Instructions#

The Jade Emperor's instructions regarding the scripture-collecting project were quite vague, giving Li Changgeng a cyclical yin-yang fish that was difficult to interpret, making it hard to determine whether the Jade Emperor agreed or disagreed.

Li Changgeng pondered this instruction several times and later realized it was indeed ambiguous; if the project succeeded, it was the leader's credit, and if it failed, it had nothing to do with the leader.

If you want the senior leader to be explicit, that’s impossible; it relies on both insight and ability. Being able to assist the leader in the project while also managing to complete it is something Li Changgeng achieved.

Gauging the Leader's Intent#

Gauging the leader's intent, Li Changgeng was a master, especially regarding the arrangement of Zhu Bajie.

Marshal Tianpeng was demoted for sexually harassing Chang'e, but Li Changgeng astutely noticed that although Tianpeng was demoted, the precious golden staff had not been confiscated and was still in his possession, indicating that the Jade Emperor still wanted to have the opportunity to use Tianpeng. Thus, he decisively devised a strategy to include Bajie in the scripture-collecting team, providing a way for Bajie to return to the Heavenly Court.

This is a typical example of thinking ahead for the leader and considering the leader's needs at every turn.

The Subtext of Leadership#

The Queen Mother invited Li Changgeng for tea, intending to include the Curtain-Lifting General in the scripture-collecting team, casually mentioning, "He has a magic staff for subduing demons, which was also personally bestowed by the Jade Emperor, not much inferior to the golden staff."

Li Changgeng immediately understood that the Queen Mother was comparing the two weapons on the surface but was actually asking, "Are my words as effective as the Jade Emperor's?"

Every organization has such influential figures; they may not help you succeed, but at critical moments, a single word from them can easily sabotage your efforts. If you can't even understand their subtext, you might not even know how you failed.

About Personnel#

Personnel Sequence#

Jin Chanzi is known as the second disciple of the Tathagata, but whether ranked by achievements among the top ten disciples or by the time of enlightenment among the bhikkhus, there is no way for him to be ranked as the second disciple.

Thus, Li Changgeng pointed out Xuanzang. The Tathagata would protect him again, but he was not formally included in the official structure, and his qualifications still had to be earned.

Because of Jin Chanzi's uniqueness, the project initiated by the Tathagata involved borrowing Guanyin from Amitabha to serve as the project manager. Why? It was feared that disciples who attained enlightenment through cultivation might easily go against the grain and cause trouble.

Xuanzang realized this point and retained Guanyin as the left protector; otherwise, even Guanyin would have to be replaced.

Being sensitive to personnel sequences allows one to know what measures to take with whom; ultimately, the workplace is still about people.

Personnel Arrangement#

The configuration of the four disciples for this project had to consider not only their backgrounds but also their diverse experiences. According to Lingshan's plan, Sun Wukong had deep sins and could turn back; the Yellow Wind Monster was difficult to tame, but had early seeds of Buddhahood; the ruler of the Black Chicken Kingdom was devout throughout his life and ultimately reaped good results. The three types of monsters represented different types of seekers, which would fully reflect the boundless nature of Buddhist teachings.

This plan was good, but unfortunately, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother separately included Bajie and Sha Seng, and the ruler of the Black Chicken Kingdom was willing to prefer the present world over becoming a Buddha. Thus, the personnel changed later, highlighting the importance of personnel planning, though it was not entirely unchangeable.

Personnel matters are the most complex, with the greatest variability; there are many instances where one’s foundation is undermined, which is why Li Changgeng said that the two most important things in navigating the workplace are connections and opportunities.

The Second-Generation Official Colleague#

Li Changgeng's subordinate is the Weaving Girl, the daughter of the Queen Mother, who has a simple mindset, does not work, and goes to the Magpie Bridge to see her child after work.

Such second-generation official colleagues are the easiest to get along with; don’t compare their work ethic with yours. If you maintain a good relationship, there’s a pathway for upward mobility, such as at critical moments when saying, "My mom is looking for you," can directly reach senior leaders. Therefore, it’s essential to get along well with second-generation official colleagues.

Xuanzang also had connections; he saw Guanyin sitting without getting up to greet him and even considered replacing Guanyin at one point.

However, Xuanzang is a second-generation official who wants to accomplish something. He truly accepted Guanyin and Li Changgeng after the Kuixing incident, which is about going through experiences together, sharing common values and bottom lines, thus solidifying future relationships.

One must never offend second-generation officials; their connections are incomparable to ordinary workplace individuals.

Colleague Rivalries#

The troublemakers mainly come from the orthodox disciples of Lingshan, employing various tactics, and even Guanyin did not dare to confront them directly.

Fortunately, these troublemakers do not dare to be overt, so staying vigilant and letting them suffer losses in the dark is manageable.

Celestial Socialites#

Although the celestial socialite Chang'e may not have deep connections, she has a wide network and can reach the heavens. Chang'e managed to get Sha Seng into the scripture-collecting team through the Queen Mother, and her influence should not be underestimated.

Celestial socialites must be treated with respect, as their connections far exceed those of ordinary individuals; you never know when they might pass along a word that could accomplish something.

Connections (Protective Umbrella)#

In both the Heavenly Court and the West, connections are crucial; when doing things, one must first consider connections. Kuixing and Maoshu do not take the matter of stealing Baihuaxiu seriously because they have a protective umbrella. Ultimately, it still comes down to whose connections are stronger.

But is it impossible to get by without connections? Not entirely, but the cost is too high. For example, the Six-Eared Macaque caused a major upheaval in the Heavenly Court but paid with his life. Baihuaxiu was only able to escape the clutches of evil with the help of the scripture-collecting team, which can only be considered fortunate.

About the Supervisory Department#

Process Supervision#

The four value officers, the five directions revealing the truth, the six Ding and six Jia, and eighteen protective deities following the scripture-collecting team are all involved in process supervision.

Supervisors generally do not get involved; they only observe, but if you can share some benefits, they might not be entirely unwilling to help.

For instance, Li Changgeng sought help from the protective deities to cover up flaws in the project at Huangfeng Ridge, but when asking for their assistance, one must be particularly cautious. The key core issues should still not be disclosed to them. For example, although Li Changgeng asked the protective deities to save Wukong, the subsequent arrangements were never to be revealed to them; otherwise, it would lead to endless trouble.

Discipline Inspection Department#

Li Changgeng visited the Three Officials Hall twice, both times with significant implications.

Once, someone from the West was sent to investigate Guanyin, and Li Changgeng was asked to assist.

It was Manjushri and Samantabhadra borrowing the place of the Three Officials Hall, accompanied by the Old Mother of Lishan. Although it seemed intimidating, first, Nezha helped convey a message to Guanyin, giving Li Changgeng some assurance that it was not Guanyin who reported him. At the moment when Li Changgeng felt the most pressure, the Old Mother of Lishan offered him a cup of tea, further reassuring him and directly sending Manjushri and Samantabhadra away.

The hints from Nezha and the Old Mother of Lishan were quite straightforward; Li Changgeng had the insight that no words were wasted. The main point was that no matter how powerful Manjushri and Samantabhadra were, they were still from the West and not part of the same system, posing no substantial threat to Li Changgeng.

The second time, the Three Officials Hall formally sought Li Changgeng due to the Six-Eared Macaque incident.

This matter was actually unrelated to Li Changgeng, but the atmosphere was much more serious, and the consequences were far graver. Although Nezha notified him again, there were no hints this time, and no one would provide him with any tips.

For truly serious issues, no one will take risks to help you.

Li Changgeng was dismissed, but there is a wisdom to being dismissed. That will be discussed later.

Moreover, the officials of the Three Officials Hall are the most sensitive to personnel arrangements—why are they sensitive? They need to know which individuals to pressure and which to scrutinize, and to what extent; they must have some understanding.

Common Workplace Tactics#

Digging Pits#

Guanyin immediately dug a pit for Li Changgeng; he first asked Li Changgeng to participate as a protector but did not inform him about the eighty-one tribulations. Li Changgeng thought it was just one tribulation. After finishing the first tribulation, he realized there was a whole pile of work ahead, nearly driving him to frustration.

Then Guanyin said, "Let me count for you," and what was originally her responsibility instantly became Li Changgeng's.

Digging pits often involves information asymmetry, so mastering comprehensive information is the first priority to avoid pitfalls.

Guanyin's pit-digging did not stop at assigning tasks; for instance, she initially went to deliver the kasaya and the meditation staff to Tang Seng without informing Li Changgeng, then left it to him to handle the tribulations.

Good things were all Guanyin's, while the blame fell on Li Changgeng.

However, Guanyin's actions were too childish, and she immediately offended Li Changgeng, who later retaliated.

If we talk about a cunning old fox in digging pits, it has to be Li Changgeng. He dealt with Kuixing and Maoshu without revealing his hand; knowing they were afraid of being checked, he sent an urgent document when they were off duty.

It’s like knowing someone sneaked out and immediately emailing their department leader, demanding a response within half an hour; the leader would definitely come looking for them, and the issue of being absent would be exposed.

Never offend the office; they are the subtle manipulators who work behind the scenes.

Clever Naming#

When it comes to clever naming, Guanyin and the Old Lord are both experts.

Guanyin's clever naming mainly revolves around achieving results; one tribulation can be subdivided into three, a master of counting.

How well the work is done is not important; what matters is how the work summary is written.

The Old Lord's clever naming is on a much higher level, primarily concerning finances; a stalled project can lead him to cleverly collect numerous magical treasures. Later, he sent disciples down to assist in protection, appearing generous while bringing a bunch of treasures, but when the treasures broke, it led to the need for repairs.

The Old Lord's clever financial maneuvers are comparable to many IT departments in companies that engage in system investments.

Shared Benefits#

Li Changgeng places great importance on shared benefits when doing things.

For example, arranging some minor tasks for the supervisory team allows them to naturally appreciate Li Changgeng's contributions.

For instance, helping Guanyin with image building and external promotion solidified Guanyin's position while also saving Li Changgeng some effort on the project.

Knowing that the Old Lord loves wealth, he provided an opportunity for him to participate in protection while also making a profit.

Considering benefits from all aspects ensures that everyone shares in the gains, thereby forming a solid relationship.

The Value of False Moves#

Guanyin pretended to be an ordinary abbot when delivering the kasaya to Tang Seng, and as soon as she finished, she revealed her true identity; Li Changgeng arranged for the protective deities to save Sun Wukong, and as soon as they rescued him, they also revealed themselves, making even Zhu Bajie unable to hold back, directly calling it too fake.

However, false moves are essential; for example, if you bring small seafood to the leader, it may not be worth much, but you cannot just pull out cash without bringing anything.

Many things in the workplace are similar; although they are fake, everyone knows they must be done; it serves as a cover, however thin, to shield what needs to be concealed.

Public Relations Department#

Li Changgeng always writes the announcements himself; it’s not that there isn’t a public relations department, like Kuixing, but they are lazy, asking various questions and requesting materials, making it easier to write it himself.

If the public relations department doesn’t want to write, the business department must still write it themselves; after all, it’s their own project being promoted, and they cannot afford to be at odds with others, losing their promotional opportunities.

Document Writing#

The primary work of project managers Guanyin and Li Changgeng, besides arranging and coordinating, is to write announcements, which serve as summaries and promotions for activities; announcements are even more important than the process of protection.

What to write, what not to write, what to detail, and what to summarize are all skills; what to reflect and promote is of utmost importance, so having good writing skills is crucial in the workplace.

Internal Strife#

The Heavenly Court has its internal strife, the West has its internal conflicts, the scripture-collecting team has its rivalries, and the underworld has its own disputes.

Wherever there are people, there are rivalries; internal strife is everywhere.

Never resign to escape internal strife; if you can’t win here, you’ll still lose elsewhere.

When there is internal strife, face it head-on; as you engage, you will gain experience.


Li Changgeng was dismissed, and immediately the Queen Mother sought him out for a conversation. If a leader still engages with you after dismissal, it indicates that it’s not a major issue and is likely temporary.

If, after dismissal, no one pays attention to you at all, it’s likely a sign of being in deep trouble.

Promotion and dismissal are both tactics; continuous promotion is not necessarily good, as it may lead to being overly praised, while being dismissed does not mean it’s the end; there may still be protection.

Maintain a proper mindset regarding your own dismissal, and keep your eyes open regarding others' dismissals.

Personal Growth#


Maturity is not easy; even a thousand-year-old fox may not be able to handle an old demon. There’s always a higher mountain.

When Guanyin faced a workplace crisis, Li Changgeng helped resolve it, earning his admiration. He commented that Li Changgeng was "a needle hidden in cotton, repaying kindness with kindness," stating frankly, "In comparison, I am too immature and need to learn from you."

Compared to Li Changgeng, Guanyin was somewhat impatient, too overt and hasty in his actions, which reflected his immaturity.

At the Three Officials Hall, the Old Mother of Lishan stopped Manjushri to ask about Sha Wujing, as Sha Wujing was affiliated with the Queen Mother, which Li Changgeng did not realize at the time. The Old Mother of Lishan then took the opportunity during a break to offer Li Changgeng a cup of tea, casually mentioning, "The tea at the Three Officials Hall is not as good as the pre-disaster dew tea from the Yaochi." Only then did Li Changgeng realize that the Queen Mother was backing him and that he was safe.

Li Changgeng reflected on his own lack of maturity.

Many matters are subtle; they cannot be stated outright; when someone hints at you, you must ponder.


Li Changgeng's primary motivation is self-preservation; in the scripture-collecting project, he aims to complete the project steadily, without worrying about innovation, and avoids offending anyone or falling into pitfalls.

When the Six-Eared Macaque sought him out, he realized a major event was looming and preferred to remain ignorant rather than wade into murky waters, which is also a form of self-preservation.

Self-preservation is often not easy; one must tread carefully as if walking on thin ice.

The key to self-preservation is knowing your own limits, understanding what you can get involved in and what you should avoid, and maintaining a clear awareness.

Bottom Line#

Not every situation can be handled with self-preservation; when it touches the bottom line, one must take action.

For example, the incident where Kuixing forcibly took Baihuaxiu crossed the bottom line for both Guanyin and Xuanzang, becoming a turning point for the scripture-collecting team and directly influencing Xuanzang's final choice.

Bottom line thinking is crucial; one cannot always be indecisive; one must have a stance when necessary.

A small matter can trigger a storm if it touches the bottom line of most people.

However, Baihuaxiu's "luck" is indeed rare.

The Spirit of the Worker#

The worker Wugang chops trees every day, chopping and then binding, binding and then chopping. Initially, Li Changgeng felt pity for him.

However, Wugang’s tree-chopping revealed a different understanding, akin to the Eastern Sisyphus.

In the end, Li Changgeng discovered that he and Wugang were not so different after all.

The spirit of the worker, let’s cultivate it slowly.


Li Changgeng ultimately reached the realm of the Golden Immortal, at the cost of transcending causality and forgetting emotions.

The incident with the Six-Eared Macaque was what helped Li Changgeng break through barriers.

Li Changgeng began to vaguely understand the truth behind the chaos in Heaven that the Six-Eared Macaque was involved in—Sun Wukong was merely a scapegoat, while the true instigator was the Jade Emperor's brother-in-law, Erlang Shen. Erlang Shen was a royal relative, and after 500 years, no one wanted to stir up this matter; naturally, Li Changgeng did not want to get involved either.

During this time, two inner voices battled within Li Changgeng; one represented rationality and orthodoxy, advocating for transcendence over causality, while the other represented the residual emotions within him, being impulsive and human.

Reason told Li Changgeng not to get involved, as he could not afford to, but emotion made him feel that the Six-Eared Macaque was wronged.

The Queen Mother warned and promised him, "Transcend causality, forget emotions."—Do not interfere in this matter; the Golden Immortal is within reach.

As for how to sever ties, it depends on whether one can truly forget emotions. Li Changgeng realized that his previous stagnation was due to being overly emotional, leading to entanglements with causality.

However, Sun Wukong told him, "If you cannot attain the Golden Immortal, knowing the truth is of no benefit; once you attain the Golden Immortal, your words will manifest the law, and the truth will not matter."

This statement struck at the heart of the matter, when you reach a high enough position, you become the truth.

In the end, Li Changgeng still secretly told Wukong the truth and retained a portion of his "residual emotions" when he attained the Golden Immortal.

He realized the profound truth behind that guidance: "Transcending causality does not mean being untouched by it; forgetting emotions does not mean being emotionless; it is solely about cultivating oneself."—Everything should be centered on one’s own cultivation, undisturbed by worldly matters. In this way, one can be involved without being tainted by causality, and one can be attached without being in love; the realm is entirely different.

Is this an extreme form of refined egoism? Perhaps.

Whether a worker, an executive, or a boss, in living a life, it is all about cultivating oneself.



The Six-Eared Macaque being impersonated by Sun Wukong is akin to someone taking a college entrance exam under a false identity, desperately seeking justice. Although Li Changgeng sympathized with him, he did not provide any substantial help, even using him when needed and then wanting to kick him aside afterward.

The Six-Eared Macaque discovered the secret of the chaos in Heaven; he was completely unaware of the situation in the celestial realm and foolishly went to report it, causing the Three Officials Hall to feel threatened, and Li Changgeng was also drawn into it.

In the end, the Six-Eared Macaque fought for his life and tragically died before the Tathagata.

The Six-Eared Macaque had high potential; even if he gave up a century of cultivation and started over, he still had the possibility of great achievements. Unfortunately, his obsession with seeking justice did not match his ability to achieve it.

Sometimes, in the workplace and in life, there are grievances that you must swallow, even if you don’t want to. It’s better to wait until you have the power to make a difference before speaking up.

Entrepreneurial Friends#

Zhen Yuanzi and Li Changgeng were classmates; while Li Changgeng became a civil servant, Zhen Yuanzi engaged in ginseng fruit cultivation and made a fortune.

Zhen Yuanzi's entrepreneurial venture spared him from the troubles of attendance and colleague rivalries, allowing him to live quite freely. He was adept at packaging and promotion; upon meeting Guanyin, he quickly took photos and, upon hearing he could participate in an event, immediately made the proposal extravagant, constantly tying it to the ginseng fruit product.

Zhen Yuanzi is truly a master of business, quick-witted and skilled in marketing and creating momentum.

Service Companies#

The Bone Demon represents a service company, providing excellent service and well-crafted proposals, considering every detail for the client, making Li Changgeng happy.

However, all three roles were played by one person, making it a tough job, and collecting the final payment was difficult.

Small companies often have one person doing the work of three.

It’s challenging for service companies to secure projects, and even harder to collect final payments.

Stalled Projects#

The Three-Pointed, Double-Edged Sword of the Old Lord is a famous stalled project. Initially, the planning was completed, but the Old Lord said the feng shui was wrong, changing to another mountain. After half the work was done, Erlang Shen stood up and said he wanted to build a temple. Once the temple was completed, he was still dissatisfied, and the Three-Pointed, Double-Edged Sword became increasingly narrow until it eventually collapsed, becoming a flat-topped mountain.

After 500 years of effort, countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures were wasted, and nothing was accomplished.

Who ultimately benefited the most from this? Of course, it was the Old Lord.

Typically, stalled projects have ulterior motives behind them, but Li Changgeng did not dare to touch those motives.

Outsourcing Companies#

The Underworld's Book of Life and Death system crashed, preventing ghosts from reincarnating, forcing the ghost officials to operate manually. If it weren’t for the fact that they could directly work themselves to death in the Underworld, it would still be chaotic.

The Nine Halls of Yama were entangled in disputes, and the truth was that the upgrade of the Book of Life and Death system was outsourced.

The outsourcing was passed around multiple parties; it was originally contracted to the Taiyi Xuanmen, but the orthodox Taoists merely used their name to win the bid and then passed it on to the wild Taoists of Chezhi Country, who then outsourced it to the Great Sage of Tiger Power.

With limited skills, the system was ruined.

Outsourcing can be a trap; the people in outsourcing companies have a hard life.

The novel also touches on issues such as human trafficking, impersonation in college entrance exams, grassroots corruption, and opaque operations, etc. It’s too lengthy; I’ll gradually supplement it when I have time.

In the end, the project leader Guanyin successfully completed the task, and the seasoned Li Changgeng attained the Golden Immortal. The trainee Xuanzang rediscovered his original intention, returning to the Tang Dynasty to translate and teach the scriptures, while Sun Wukong sought justice for the wronged Six-Eared Macaque, aiming to give him a fair outcome. Zhu Bajie underwent significant changes, and Sha Seng, who despised evil, gained recognition.

Ultimately, these individuals all maintained their bottom lines and retained their sincerity.

Excerpts of Good Sentences from the Original Text#

  1. Transcending causality does not mean being untouched by it; forgetting emotions does not mean being emotionless or desireless.

  2. Behind every unreasonable matter, there is a reasonable reason; it’s just that you don’t know it.

  3. Many human obsessions are beyond our understanding, but that does not mean the pain does not exist.

  4. Great virtues cycle endlessly, and the pursuit of truth never ceases.

  5. If a person does things without cost, how can they ensure that others do not imitate?

  6. Generals must rise from the ranks, and prime ministers must emerge from local governments. Without experiencing the world, even if you become a Buddha, you cannot win over the masses.

  7. While the ancient Buddha and the green lamp may have a bright future, some prefer to tend to their own small plot of land.

  8. While fighting is inevitable, one should not go to extremes; extremes lead to stagnation. Ultimately, one must retain a bit of kindness to endure in the long run.

  9. The key to coordination is not fearing that your requests are strange, but rather fearing that you do not know what others want. As long as you grasp the true demands of all parties, you can negotiate a mutually acceptable solution.

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