生成型人工知能(例えば ChatGPT)の急速な発展に伴い、学術的な執筆はよりインテリジェントで効率的になっています。高品質な学術論文は、研究成果を正確に伝えるだけでなく、学術界内でより広範な影響力をもたらします。GPT などのツールを活用することで、研究者は文章の論理をより簡単に洗練させ、言語表現を豊かにし、何度も反復する中で、より説得力があり読みやすい学術テキストを磨き上げることができます。
本マニュアルの目的は、読者に一連の一般的なプロンプトを整理し、学術的な執筆や査読の過程で GPT とより良く協力できるようにすることです。精巧に設計されたプロンプトの例を通じて、著者は論文の執筆や校正、同行査読の支援、編集フィードバックの最適化などにおいて、執筆の効率と質を効果的に向上させるための迅速で実用的な参考ガイドを提供したいと考えています。
本章では、学術的な執筆における最も一般的な校正ニーズに基づいて、詳細かつ専門的なプロンプトを提供します。これらのプロンプトは、文法、論理、スタイル、特定のジャーナルの要求など、さまざまな側面をカバーし、研究者が異なるレベルで論文を磨くのを助けます。以下のすべてのプロンプトは、中国語と英語の両方のバージョンを提供し、できるだけ同じ段落で一度に要求を明確に説明し、GPT が完全に理解し、高品質な結果を出力できるようにします。
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an experienced academic writing and language editing specialist, please help me improve the sentence structure in the following text. While maintaining scholarly rigor, reduce overly long or unnecessary subordinate clauses, and appropriately switch between active and passive voice for better readability and coherence. When handling complex sentences, avoid oversimplifying critical academic content, ensuring logical clarity and precise meaning.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an advanced grammar reviewer specializing in academic writing, please focus on ensuring subject-verb agreement and correct tense usage in the following text. Where necessary, adjust the tense to present simple for the introduction and conclusion, and past tense for methods and results. Also revise any sentences that do not follow proper subject-verb agreement. Maintain a formal academic tone while ensuring the text remains clear and fluent.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a seasoned language editor, please review the punctuation and spelling of the following academic text. Pay special attention to the correct usage of commas, semicolons, em dashes, and quotation marks, and verify that there are no misspellings or incorrect professional terms. If there are ambiguous terms or spelling conventions that need clarification, please provide improvement suggestions and explanations.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a consultant specializing in paper structure optimization, please help me insert appropriate transitional phrases and linking words between the paragraphs of the following text, ensuring a cohesive flow of ideas. Also check whether each paragraph’s topic sentence and concluding sentence clearly convey the main points. If you find any paragraphs disconnected from the surrounding context or containing logical leaps, propose revisions to enhance overall coherence.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a seasoned academic writing coach, please review whether each argument in the following text is sufficiently supported by data or literature. If you notice any arguments lacking citations or examples, highlight the specific locations and recommend adding the necessary references or illustrations. Also help me refine explanatory sentences to strengthen persuasiveness and credibility.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an expert with extensive manuscript review experience, please verify whether the following text sufficiently presents, compares, or refutes different perspectives. If it solely advocates a single standpoint without discussing counterarguments or supplementary viewpoints, recommend where to add contrasting or rebuttal paragraphs. Also insert appropriate transitional phrases to ensure a balanced treatment of opposing views, effectively strengthening the overall argumentation of the paper.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a language style mentor in academic writing, please review the following text to identify and replace any colloquial or casual phrases or terms with more formal and scholarly equivalents. Provide appropriate substitution suggestions to ensure the text retains academic rigor while remaining clear and readable.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a senior academic editor with a keen eye for professional terminology and concise expression, please review the following text to determine whether specialized terms are used appropriately and whether any words are overly frequent, redundant, or unnecessarily complex. If simpler yet equally professional wording can be used, provide specific recommendations while preserving accuracy and consistency.”
【中文 Prompt】
“作为一名熟悉多种学术引用规范(如 APA、MLA、Chicago)的编辑,请帮助我检查以下文本在引文格式、尾注或脚注方面是否符合对应的引用标准。请确保同一篇文献在全篇使用统一的格式,并对常见失误(例如作者姓名拼写、年份不一致)进行校正。若发现引用信息缺失或不完整,也请提出建议。”
【English Prompt】
“As an editor well-versed in various academic citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago), please review the referencing format, endnotes, or footnotes in the following text to confirm adherence to the chosen style guidelines. Ensure that each cited source is consistently formatted, and correct common errors such as misspellings of authors’ names or inconsistent publication years. If you notice missing or incomplete citation details, please provide recommendations.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic layout specialist focused on logical flow and readability, please evaluate the paragraph structure in the following text to determine which paragraphs should be split to avoid information overload and which should be merged to reduce redundancy and length. Ensure that the text remains coherent and preserves the integrity of the academic argument after these revisions.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a consultant familiar with the overall structure and chapter logic of academic papers, please evaluate whether the arrangement and hierarchy of sections (e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) in the following text conform to common academic standards. If any subsections deviate from the central theme or appear disjointed, recommend a suitable reorganization strategy and explain the rationale behind it to maintain a coherent flow of arguments.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a professional layout and document design specialist, please suggest specific improvements to the following text that will enhance the reading experience, such as employing bullet points, numbered lists, tables, or figures to present complex information. Where necessary, briefly explain how to use heading levels, font choices, or line spacing to improve overall readability and visual appeal without compromising the academic rigor of the document.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic editing specialist with an extensive vocabulary and writing experience, please identify frequently repeated keywords or phrases in the following text and recommend suitable synonyms or closely related phrases to enhance lexical diversity. While replacing, ensure that the contextual meaning and disciplinary terminology remain accurate, avoiding ambiguities caused by inappropriate word choices.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a writing coach adept at adjusting academic tone, please review the following text to identify sentences that should be further emphasized or downplayed. If certain arguments or conclusions need a stronger expression of importance, propose suitable modifications; likewise, if some statements require more cautious or nuanced language (e.g., when addressing uncertainties or limitations), recommend appropriate words or expressions to accurately convey the author’s degree of certainty.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic writing consultant focused on concise expression, please help me identify and eliminate superfluous phrases in the following text, ensuring each sentence addresses the core topic without unnecessary repetition or overly ornate language. While preserving the original meaning, split or merge long sentences where needed, providing rewritten examples that improve clarity and readability.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic editor familiar with various disciplinary writing styles, please identify the specific conventions that the following text should adhere to based on its field of study (e.g., rigorous methodological descriptions in medical papers, a well-defined theoretical framework in social sciences, or a focus on technical details in engineering). Offer concrete suggestions to adjust the writing style according to common practices and review criteria in that domain.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a paper editing consultant knowledgeable about various journal requirements, please review the following text with regard to the target journal’s word count constraints, thematic focus, and citation style preferences. If the text’s length, style, or references do not align with the journal guidelines, provide specific recommendations, such as condensing paragraphs, modifying academic language, or switching to a different citation format.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an expert proficient in multilingual academic writing, please help me verify whether there are any inconsistencies in terms or expressions between English and Chinese (or other language pairs) in the following text. For any specialized terminology or concepts that require precise equivalences in translation, ensure consistency and provide references. If significant stylistic differences exist between the languages, propose adjustments to maintain accuracy and coherence of the academic content across multilingual contexts.”
在学术研究的同行评审流程中,利用 GPT 可以模拟资深专家的视角,对论文的核心内容、研究设计、方法论以及数据分析等部分进行审查和反馈。以下提示词将帮助您快速生成高质量的同行评审意见,既能凸显专业性,也可为作者提供切实可行的改进建议。
【中文 Prompt】
“假设您是一位在 [研究领域] 拥有 20 年学术经验的资深专家学者,请基于我对这篇论文的简要概述,写出一份详细的同行评审报告。报告应包括:1)论文的研究背景与核心贡献;2)研究方法的合理性与科学性评价;3)数据分析或结果是否可信及其理由;4)论文目前存在的不足或局限性,并提出可行的改进建议。请保持学术专业且客观的语气。”
【English Prompt】
“Assume you are a seasoned scholar with 20 years of experience in the field of [Research Area]. Based on my brief summary of this paper, please draft a detailed peer review report that covers: (1) the research background and the paper’s main contributions; (2) an evaluation of the methodological rigor and scientific validity; (3) the credibility of the data analysis or results and the reasons behind your assessment; and (4) the paper’s limitations or weaknesses, along with practical suggestions for improvement. Maintain a professional and objective tone throughout.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an expert with deep insights into the logical structure and argument development of academic papers, please review the following manuscript and focus on: (1) whether its overall structure aligns with common scholarly standards; (2) the clarity and logical progression of the arguments; and (3) the coherence among the Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. If any structural flaws (e.g., missing key sections or lacking transitional paragraphs) are identified, please specify them and propose enhancements to ensure a complete chain of reasoning.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a peer reviewer with extensive experience in research design and data analysis, please evaluate the following paper by considering: (1) whether the research question and hypotheses are both reasonable and innovative; (2) whether the study design (including experimental setup, survey method, or data collection strategy) sufficiently addresses these hypotheses; and (3) whether the data analysis approach is appropriate and the statistical results are reliable and valid. If any shortcomings are identified, propose improvements or alternatives, providing a brief rationale.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“Drawing on a comprehensive review of all aspects of the manuscript (research background, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and references), please compose a thorough peer review that highlights the paper’s strengths and contributions, while also addressing the primary issues needing further refinement or revision in order of importance. For each issue, include potential solutions or suggestions so that the authors can effectively improve their work.”
在学术期刊编辑或审稿人角色下,撰写反馈信或审稿意见时,需要兼具专业性、礼貌性和指导性。以下提示词将帮助您生成更具条理性、建设性和可读性的反馈内容,为作者或投稿人提供清晰的修改方向。相较于其他环节,编辑反馈往往直接影响作者对论文修订的理解与执行,因此我们在此提供更为详尽的 Prompt,覆盖从初步意见到最终退修或接受等多种情境。
拒稿信(Rejection Letter)#
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a journal editor responsible for initial screening and final decisions, please draft a rejection letter based on the manuscript provided. Your letter should: (1) briefly summarize the paper’s topic and main findings; (2) identify the key reasons for rejection, such as insufficient novelty, methodological flaws, inadequate data, or weak conclusions; and (3) maintain a respectful and objective tone while offering feasible suggestions for improvement, ensuring the authors understand how to enhance their future research or submissions.”
退修意见(Major/Minor Revision Letter)#
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a senior editor at an academic journal, please draft a major (or minor) revision letter for the following manuscript. Start by acknowledging the paper’s merits and potential contributions, then systematically enumerate the key areas requiring improvement—such as research design, data analysis, literature citations, or writing style—offering guidance on how to address these issues. Maintain a professional, encouraging tone, and conclude by outlining any requirements or deadlines for submitting the revised version, if applicable.”
接受稿件的修改建议(Acceptance with Revision Notes)#
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an experienced editor involved in both peer review and editorial processes, please write an acceptance letter for the following manuscript. Indicate that the paper meets the publication criteria but advise the authors to make minor revisions or additions before final publication, such as refining certain data analyses or clarifying ambiguous statements. Maintain a formal yet positive tone, encouraging the authors to finalize all details and formatting prior to publication.”
【中文 Prompt】
“作为一名期刊编辑,需要针对审稿人 A、审稿人 B、审稿人 C 给出的不同意见进行整合,并向作者出具一份综合反馈。请在以下文档中:1)总结三位审稿人的主要肯定与质疑点;2)指出作者应优先处理的问题;3)强调编辑部的最终立场或决定,如需要大修 / 小修、或暂时搁置等;4)在给作者的行文中保持一致的语气和格式,避免作者因为审稿意见不一致而产生混淆。请注意礼貌、客观和建设性。”
【English Prompt】
“As a journal editor, you need to consolidate the comments from Reviewer A, Reviewer B, and Reviewer C into a single unified response for the authors. Please do the following in the document: (1) summarize the main points of agreement and contention among the three reviewers; (2) highlight the issues the authors should address first; (3) state the editorial office’s final stance or decision, such as major/minor revisions or a provisional hold; and (4) maintain a consistent tone and format to minimize any confusion arising from divergent reviewer opinions. Remember to stay polite, objective, and constructive.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an editor committed to helping authors continually improve their manuscripts, please compose a feedback letter that serves as a guiding document. In addition to pointing out issues, the letter should: (1) specify how to utilize journal resources (e.g., templates, formatting guidelines) for revisions; (2) encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration in future research; and (3) suggest the inclusion of additional data or figures in appendices or supplementary materials to strengthen the paper’s overall impact. Maintain a positive, supportive editorial tone that instills confidence in the authors’ revision process.”
【中文 Prompt】
“作为期刊主编,请针对以下稿件撰写一份最终决定说明,包括对作者的致谢、对审稿人投入的肯定,以及对该稿件目前处理状态(如直接接受、拒绝后允许重新投稿、或无限期搁置)的简要解释。若是拒绝后重投的情况,请附上具体的重新提交条件或改进方向;若是直接接受,则可以在文末提示作者如何完善校样或准备封面图 / 摘要等必要附加材料。”
【English Prompt】
“As the editor-in-chief of the journal, please draft a statement detailing the final decision for the following manuscript, including expressions of gratitude to the authors and acknowledgement of the reviewers’ contributions, as well as a brief explanation of the current status (e.g., outright acceptance, rejection with an option to resubmit, or indefinite deferral). If the decision is a ‘reject but resubmit,’ include specific guidelines or directions for resubmission; if the paper is accepted outright, add a reminder at the end for authors to finalize proofs or prepare any required supplementary materials (e.g., cover images, abstracts).”
三、 其他常见高频提示词#
【中文 Prompt】
“作为一名熟悉 [研究领域] 专业术语的学术翻译专家,请帮助我对以下文本进行准确的翻译和润色。请确保所有关键术语在整个文本中保持一致,并使用在该领域得到广泛接受的标准化表达方式。如果发现已有译文不够专业或存有歧义,请提供更恰当的替换词或句式,并标明原因。”
【English Prompt】
“As an academic translation specialist with expertise in [Research Field] terminology, please assist me in accurately translating and refining the following text. Ensure that all key terms remain consistent throughout, using standardized expressions widely recognized in the field. If any existing translations appear unprofessional or ambiguous, propose more suitable alternatives or phrasing and explain why they are preferable.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a translation consultant versed in cross-cultural differences and academic writing, please help me convert the following English (or other language) content into Chinese, taking into account structural and stylistic nuances. If the source text contains overly long or passive constructions, consider splitting or rephrasing sentences. Make sure the original academic concepts remain accurate and complete in the new cultural context. If some notions require additional clarification in Chinese, please provide footnotes or annotations accordingly.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As a translation specialist experienced in multilingual academic publishing, please help me compose bilingual (Chinese and English, or other target languages) abstracts and keywords for the following paper. Make sure the abstracts in both languages convey the same content and core academic points, and include commonly used technical terms in the keywords to enhance discoverability and citation potential.”
快速文献综述 / 摘要提炼#
【中文 Prompt】
“作为一名在文献综述写作方面经验丰富的学术助理,请根据我列出的 [文献列表 / 文章标题],撰写一段针对 [研究主题] 的综合性文献综述。请注意:1)突出每篇文献的主要贡献;2)在段落之间保持逻辑衔接;3)若文献间存在观点冲突或互补,请适当加以说明。最终文本应控制在 [字数] 左右,并采用客观、中立的学术语气。”
【English Prompt】
“As an experienced academic assistant in literature review writing, please produce a concise literature review paragraph on [Research Topic] based on the [list of references/article titles] I have provided. Make sure to: (1) highlight the key contributions of each source; (2) maintain logical flow between paragraphs; and (3) note any conflicting or complementary perspectives among the studies. Keep the final text within [word count] and use an objective, neutral academic tone.”
【中文 Prompt】
“作为一名熟悉多种学术引用风格(如 APA、Harvard、Chicago)的论文排版专家,请帮助我检查以下文档中所有参考文献的格式是否与 [指定风格] 相匹配,并统一引用方式(如文内标注、脚注或尾注)。若发现格式错误或缺失信息(作者、年份、期刊名等),请给出修正示例;若引用风格有特殊要求(如页码范围、DOI 标注),也请一并说明。”
【English Prompt】
“As a paper formatting expert proficient in various citation styles (e.g., APA, Harvard, Chicago), please help me verify whether all references in the following document conform to the [specified style], and standardize the citation approach (in-text citation, footnotes, or endnotes). If you detect any format errors or missing details (authors, year, journal title, etc.), provide corrected examples. Also mention any special requirements for this citation style, such as page ranges or DOIs.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic writing mentor emphasizing critical thinking, please critique the following list of references. In addition to summarizing the key findings or perspectives from each source, identify any potential limitations or methodological gaps and suggest ways these shortcomings can be addressed or improved in the current research. Maintain academic objectivity and avoid subjective or emotional language, providing brief citations or notes where relevant.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an experienced consultant in academic paper design, please help me develop a coherent chapter framework based on the following research topic or outline. Provide section headings, objectives, and main points for each chapter, and explain how to maintain logical transitions between sections. If any gaps or inconsistencies appear in the research process or information organization, suggest ways to fill or rearrange them to create a more cohesive and reader-friendly structure.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic editor skilled in concise and topic-focused writing, please review the following paper content and propose more precise, engaging headings for the main chapters or sections. Ensure that each heading accurately reflects the core point of the corresponding paragraph and aligns with the study’s overall aims. If needed, introduce logical subheadings within a section to differentiate various arguments or analytical levels, explaining why such changes would be beneficial.”
【中文 Prompt】
【English Prompt】
“As an academic writing consultant experienced in overall paper organization, please examine whether the abstract and conclusion sections of the following manuscript exhibit any mismatches or redundant information. If the abstract doesn’t adequately highlight the paper’s key findings or novel contributions, suggest additional points to include. If the conclusion lacks alignment with the abstract or fails to elaborate on the significance of the research, recommend revisions to ensure a coherent linkage between the two.”
在本指南中,我们系统梳理了生成式人工智能(如 GPT)在学术写作各个环节中可能发挥的作用及其相应的提示词。从基础的语法与风格润色到更高阶的同行评审辅助与编辑反馈优化,再到涵盖翻译、文献管理、论文结构等常见高频需求,整合后的提示词不仅有助于研究者快速实现文本的语言精修,也能在评审与投稿流程中高效产出专业、建设性的意见。通过分章、分节的方式,读者可以依据自身写作与审稿的进度,迅速找到所需的指令,结合多轮迭代与反馈,获得更贴近实际需求的输出。
需要强调的是,AI 工具的应用应与研究者的批判性思维相辅相成。无论是润色文本、审阅论文还是撰写编辑信件,都离不开对学术伦理与严谨性的坚持。在享受技术带来的便捷时,务必牢记保持学术诚信、尊重隐私与数据安全,并对生成的内容进行必要的人工审校。只有在这样理性且谨慎的使用模式下,才能真正释放 GPT 在学术写作中的潜力,为研究成果的传播与深化提供持续的驱动力。